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2024/05/01 (Wed)
! "Prayer" from the collection of Sawdus...

Exhibition "Works from the Collection of Sawtooth Art Museum - Wishing for Peace - Prayer" is held. ...

2023/11/30 (Thu)
Hoda Elementary School Opening Ceremony

We will welcome you with many events such as rice scooping, Tatsuno Town products exhibi...

2023/12/25 (Mon)
2/24(Sat.) Cosplay tour of Mt. Sawtooth ...

A bus tour was organized to accompany the Chiba Prefectural Amou High School Photography Club...

2023/09/11 (Mon)
< Recommended for Autumn in the Arts > 2...

A traveling exhibition of prize-winning works from the 2023 Great Leap Grand Prize Exhibition organi...