Personal Training Gym in Kisarazu City [Natural Free Move] If you are not getting enough exercise in Corona, leave it to us ! We offer mostly one-on-one instruction in a private room, so you can train in peace. If you want to develop an exercise habit, if you want to train and move your body, or if you have trouble continuing to exercise on your own, please come to our ministry for a trial.
木更津市のパーソナルトレーニングジム【Natural Free Move】では、無添加住宅であなたの健康維持・増進お手伝い致します!!コロナ太り、ダイエット、身体の慢性的な痛みの緩和、体力向上、免疫力アップなど様々なお悩みに対応致します。
Phone |
Address |
292-0814 千葉県 木更津市 八幡台4-6-47 |
Hours | Sunday 9:00-21:00 Monday 9:00-21:00 Tuesday Closed Wednesday 9:00-15:00 Thursday 9:00-10:30 18:00-21:00 Friday 15:30-21:00 Saturday Closed その他不定期 |